Sunday, February 21, 2010

Author Unknown

This poem was sent to me by my daughter, who received it from her best friend. I'm clueless as to where it originally came from. I had read it before and have to say it is one of my favorite poems. Honestly, I'm thinking a cross stitch sampler. Something one of my foremothers would be proud of. Go ahead and read, I'm just looking at the color scheme for the sample...shoo now, read on...

Ladies and gentlemen, hobos and tramps,
I stand before you and sit behind you
To tell you something I know nothing about!
Admission is free, you must pay at the door.
So pull up a chair and sit on the floor.
The show is over, but before you go,
Let me tell you a story I don't really know:

One bright day, in the middle of the night
Two dead boys got up to fight
Back to back they faced each other,
Drew their swords and shot each other.
A deaf policeman heard the noise.
He came and shot those two dead boys.
If you don't believe this lie is true,
Just ask the blind man; he saw it too!



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