Thursday, August 28, 2014

The Scout Badge

An elderly couple stops a young scout in the street. They tell the child he’d be perfect for odd jobs around their house. Thinking this would be a great way to earn a badge, the scout agrees.

The following Saturday, the scout rings the bell of the old house the couple live in. The wife takes the child out back to the garage with the promise of milk and fresh cookies when the job is done. The husband explains he would like the mason jars in the boxes along the back of the garage buried in the ground starting at the back of the property. The scout takes a box and the spade to the back fence and begins to dig. There are jars of beans, corn, chili sauce and peaches. It makes sense to bury some of the jars since it would be cooler in the ground, although this isn't the way Mother or Grandmother store the canned goods. A couple of the jars have cash in them; saving for a rainy day.

The scout gets to the fourth or fifth box, and by this time is not paying attention to what is in the jars. And then, by the end of the last box, he notices packed in one jar is the earring belonging to that of a teacher at school. Oddly enough, the earring is still on the teacher’s ear which is now on packed with some pickled eggs.


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