Sunday, October 4, 2015

A Trip of a Lifetime or how to see a Month of London Sights in Eight Days

Planning a vacation is pretty similar to preparing for a major holiday. Thanksgiving and Christmas come to mind; as do Easter, Kwanza, Hanukah or Halloween. You get the idea. You spend months planning and preparing for the big day. Time is spent on getting the best bang for your buck with flights and hotels. Thanks to the internet and online “travel agents,” you can do this from the comfort of your own home in you pajamas, boxers or buck naked, should that be your favorite surf attire. Click, click. Booked and Booked. Now comes the scary part, deciding your itinerary.

In this case, my daughter took care of the itinerary. Everything from our Oyster cards and admission tickets down to the number of minutes it would take to walk from point A to point B. You know, on paper that all sounds great. When actually walking? Not so much. In any major city in the United States we’d have had it down to the number of steps. With London, it’s a story for another blog.

Buffalo Bus Terminal
Armed with boarding passes, admission tickets, oyster cards, dollars to pounds, maps and luggage, we boarded the bus to Toronto on our first leg on our journey. And like any holiday, regardless of the planning, it went too fast and there was disappointment; like the unwanted gift from Aunt Tilly. During the next few weeks, I'll be sharing my holiday in merry ole England. 


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